Thursday, 22 September 2011

370 million litres

Every day 1.46 million Aucklanders use 370 million litres of treated water, travelling through 9,000 km of pipes.  In the process 40,000 cubic metres of water is lost - per day.

I haven't been able to obtain the maps I need for my proposed project so I am thinking about alternatives.  Mapping these and other figures in a scale and context that people can relate to is one option. 

The idea of mapping scale in an understandable context comes from the interactive BBC Dimensions website.  Using this website people can manipulate statistics from current or historical events into a context that they can relate to. 

For example, this map shows the scale of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and how the area it would have covered when laid over Auckland:

The objective of this project would be the same as my original project - raising awareness of the existence of freshwater and its value as a resource in our city and people's lives. 

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